Sara Wickstrom (MPI of Molecular Biomedicine, Münster Germany) – Coordination of cell states and tissue architecture by mechanical forces
Description The structure of tissues is tightly linked to their function. During formation of functional organs, large-scale changes in tissue elongation, stretching, compression, folding/buckling, and budding impact the shape, position, packing, and contractility state of cells. Conversely, changes in single cell contractility, shape and position locally alter tissue organization and mechanics. Thus, forces function as…
Andreas Wodarz (CECAD Universität zu Köln, Germany) – Molecular control of actomyosin contractility during morphogenesis in Drosophila
Description The cortical actomyosin network generates the mechanical force that drives highly dynamic processes occurring during epithelial morphogenesis, such as cell division, cell rearrangements or cell shape changes. Proper apical-basal and planar cell polarity are required to regulate the spatiotemporal behavior of the actomyosin network during morphogenesis. In Drosophila, Bazooka/Par3 (Baz) is one of the…
Xavier Morin (IBENS-ENS-PSL) – Asymmetric cell division and neurogenesis in vertebrate spinal cord progenitors
Description In a protein interaction screen, we identified the LIM domain protein Smallish (Smash) as a binding partner of Baz. Mutation of smash affects the planar polarized localization of several actomyosin-associated proteins. smash null allele mutants show reduced membrane tension, whereas overexpression of Smash leads to apical constriction in epithelial cells, pointing to a function…
Gordana Wutz (Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienne) – The role of cohesin regulators in shaping the genome
Description Gordana Wutz pursued her studies in molecular biology in Croatia. She obtained her PhD at Vienna University, where she focused on researching rhinoviruses. During her postdoctoral studies, she relocated to Boston and joined the lab of E. Robertson at the Harvard university. There, she utilised mouse knockout technology to investigate MHC class II/peptide complexes. In her…
Samir Merabet (IGFL, Lyon) – Deciphering interactomes in live condition: new approaches, new perspectives
Description Contact au CBI : Jennifer Zanet (jennifer.zanet@univ-tlse3.fr) Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates
PhD – Aurore Pelletier (CBI-MCD) – Fonctions des peptides Tic/Tac et Sem1 dans la reproduction et le développement chez la drosophile
Description Contact au CBI : aurore.pelletier@univ-tlse3.fr Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates
Jean-Jacques Diaz (CRCL Lyon) – 5-Fluorouracil alters ribosome function and favors cancer cell drug-tolerance
Description Contact au CBI : Simon Lebaron (simon.lebaron@univ-tlse3.fr) Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates
PhD – Mathilde LACOMBRADE (BeeAntCE-CRCA) – Dispersion, fourragement et cognition du frelon à pattes jaunes : vers de nouveaux moyens de lutte
Description Contact au CBI : Mathilde Lacombrade (mlacombrad@laas.fr) Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates
PhD – Emilie MAUDUIT – Exploration des mécanismes à l’origine de la transition sociale au cours de l’ontogénèse chez l’araignée Agelena labyrinthica
Description Contact au CBI : Émilie Mauduit (emilie.mauduit@univ-tlse3.fr) Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates
Romé Voulhoux (LCB, IMM, Marseille) – The type 2 secretion system or how bacteria secrete large folded effectors
Description Contact au CBI : Raffaele Ieva (raffaele.ieva@univ-tlse3.fr) Lieu CBI Toulouse – Salle de conférence 4R4 169 Rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago, 31400 Toulouse Plus d’infos openagenda.com Dates